
How and where to travel while working

How to use the travel section?

The travel section is mostly divided in 2: -The places we recommend you to go; -The places we have heard of but we need to confirm (so our next destinations). Our goal is to make it easier for you to do your work from anywhere in the world no matter if it's remote work or because you are promoting your product or even that you are starting a new business. You can travel alone, in coupe, with your family even your dog for many different reasons. We will do our best to simplify your planing so you can work and travel without headache!

Our Next Destinations

This is the section you find out where we are going next. Clic on the picture beside to find out about our travel plan!

Previous Destinations

This is the section of places we have already traveled to and can give you tips about where do go, where to sleep, where to eat according to your preferences and needs. (currently building up this section...comeback soon)
