Productivity Course

First of all, what is productivity exactly? Well Wikipedia's definition is to close of the complex dictionary definitions so we'll make it really simple: How to do what is right and when you need to do it to make your increase your production. In short: how to be effective to be successful with your business and not waste your time and money! This course has 23 chapters that should take you around 5 minutes to read but, you have to put them into practice. That's why we will had a new chapter each week so you have time to put what you learn into practice and slowly become more effective in you work!

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Ch. 1: Set a Game Plan

One factor which all successful people have in common is effective time-management. You may prefer to call it structure, setting yourself to the task, or a game-plan. Whichever word or term works for you is fine. As long as you take it seriously, and put it into practice, you are creating one of the basic principles of productivity.

Ch. 2: Reducing Distractions

There are few things which block productivity as fast and as surely as distractions. When you cannot concentrate and focus properly, you cannot get things done. Even if you do accomplish something, it can feel stressful and frustrating. Whether you are on the job or at school, reducing the distractions which influence your ability to be productive will help you to get more done.

Ch. 3: What Should You Do First?

If you think about back when you were in school, you may remember teachers telling you that the best way to approach homework and other projects was to do the hardest task first. They may have also advised you to tackle the homework subject you disliked the most first, before moving on. This same approach can greatly enhance your productivity today.

Ch. 4: Exercise Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is an essential factor for productivity and success. Without it, one becomes lazy, unmotivated, and dependent upon others. Lack of self-discipline also makes for a difficult-to-deal-with employee, boss, or coworker.

Ch. 5: You Can Do The Impossible

If you have ever had so many different tasks to complete, or tasks which appeared to be beyond your capabilities, you know what it is like to feel that it is impossible. When these kinds of tasks are within your range of responsibility, there are some positive ways in which you can approach them. You may find that you really can do the impossible.

Ch. 6: Increasing Motivation

We have all heard people state that they were “not motivated” as an excuse for not getting things done. In most cases, this is a polite way of saying that they are lazy. In the real world, where productivity and success are essential, motivation is a key element. If it does not come naturally to you, you can examine ways to increase your own motivation, and put it into action every day.

Ch. 7: Don’t let Setbacks get You Down!

One of the biggest roadblocks to productivity is an approach which many people take to setbacks. If you see a setback as a failure, it can not only limit your productivity but it can go as far as to prevent you from doing anything at all. This is true in any line of work, schooling, or any other area in life. When you see a setback as a failure, it can stop you from proceeding forward. You may accomplish less or you may accomplish nothing at all.

Ch. 8: Be Goal-Oriented

“If you don’t know where you’re going, you might not get there.” New York Yankees player and manager Yogi Berra was right on-target when he made that statement. It is an excellent thought to keep in mind for your work life.

Ch. 9: Take Care of Yourself!

On the other hand, if you get enough sleep on a regular basis, and make a point of having a healthy diet, you will have more to give to your work. When you are in top-notch condition, you will focus better, be more alert, and not become fatigued as easily. You will do better, and you will do more. 

Ch. 10: Why Being Organized is Vital

If you think about it, being organized is one of the most essential factors in being productive. You do not need to be extremely rigid in order to be organized, but you do need to be conscious of and conscientious about everything that goes into your work day. Getting things done means being organized with your time, the supplies and equipment you use, and your expectations. 

Ch. 11: When You Need to Delegate

There are two different types of delegating which are both negative. Both can inhibit productivity, rather than increase it. If you recognize either of these factors in your work life, you can begin changing them for better results.

Ch. 12: Avoiding Burnout

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Ch. 13: Supplies Are a Factor

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Ch. 14: A Positive Frame-of-mind

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Ch. 15: Resisting Negativity

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Ch. 16: The Tasks for Your Goal

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Ch. 17: Coworkers & Employees

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Ch. 18: Rewarding Yourself

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Ch. 19: Resist Overextending Yourself

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Ch. 20: Why You Need to De-stress

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Ch. 21: Organizing Your Priorities

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Ch. 22: Exercising Good Com Skills

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Ch. 23: Strategies are Appropriate

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